01. An awareness-raising campaign about sexual identity and the creation of a tolerant sporting environment.
Even today prejudices against LGB people are still widespread. Heterosexuality is often still the norm in sport and this heteronormativity is not questioned frequently enough.
Together with our football partners, we want to launch an awareness-raising campaign to send out a message of openness and acceptance and to promote an open discussion of homosexuality and to increase its visibility, including in football.
In December 2013, Equal Opportunities in Flanders will launch a campaign ‘Gay or straight, not an issue on the pitch’, alongside the football sector, to stimulate the debate on homosexuality in football. The campaign communicates a message of openness, respect and tolerance and wants to reach everyone who is engaged in football, either actively or passively.
The campaign is mainly conducted through the social media. We also have banners, posters and stickers made so that federations, clubs and other football organisations can help publicise the campaign's message.
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